Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield

Weston CenterCiting financial challenges, the directors of Weston Center for Women in Holyoke, announced that the program has closed.

The program, located on the grounds of Mont Marie, was founded in 1992 by its Co-Directors, Sisters of Saint Joseph Shirley Campbell and Eleanor Spring. For the last twenty years, Weston has provided employment and support in recovery to over 250 women as they redirected their lives.

The program, often associated with apparel and gifts for the Irish season, has supported itself through a combination of workshop production, which includes screen printing embroidery and assembly work, fund raising activities, grants, and donations. “It is with sadness that we make this announcement,” said Sr. Eleanor. “We are closing because we are no longer able to generate enough income to support the program.”

The Sisters of St Joseph have determined that last year’s 2024 Irish Gala has been our last.
Click here to find out more!

“Laudato Si, Five Years Later” is a video we created, with quotes from Pope Francis, to mark the fifth anniversary of the publication of his landmark encyclical.