The Community of St. Joseph is made up of people joined together in the spirit of the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph, that all may be one. They strive to unite neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God, to live simply and act for justice. All members are encouraged to use and celebrate their gifts in their diverse paths in life. |
- As Vowed Members, women live in community; consecrated by the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience; choose ministry based on the mission and priorities of the Sisters of St. Joseph; are formally incorporated into the Congregation.
- As Agrégées, women and men are committed to the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph; are members of a local community circle; enter into temporary or permanent commitment centered in a simple lifestyle; choose a ministry in light of priorities based on the mission of the Community of St. Joseph; engage in tithing to the Congregation; and are formally incorporated following an intense orientation period.
- As Associates, women and men are committed to the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph; live in varied lifestyles; are connected by a renewable covenant with the Sisters; choose ministry with/without focus on the mission of the Congregation; are open to voluntary contributions to the Congregation; are formally incorporated upon completion of an orientation period.
- As partners in mission, women and men support the mission of the Community of St. Joseph.